Digitalization of sales after COVID-19

Anton Ioffe - September 9th 2021 - 4 minutes read

Digitalization of sales after COVID-19

The roads abandoned, shops are closed, schools and colleges are vacant, homes and apartments are isolated, industries are rusting, hospitals and medicals are full, the sky is clear, animals are free, and humans are caged. Yes, you are correct, I am just exaggerating the current situation "COVID-19".

COVID-19, one of the greatest pandemic which World has seen in a decade, has not only affected the living creature but has also hampered the life of the business, which will take some years to return to the post-COVID-19 situations. This pandemic had been a significant player in changing the economic, personal, social, corporate habits in the entire World, and the speed at which it is spreading is like a wildfire which made the expert marketing strategists, came into action to develop a turn around strategy formation. With this, the business could survive the breakthrough as the coronavirus pandemic is an uncontrollable crisis that has taken humanity and taking the lives of lakhs of people.

Discovering the vaccination was the only way to manage this pandemic situation. As a responsible entrepreneur, he could not sit back, waiting for the long stretch until the vaccine developed. Standing up with a breakthrough was the right way to make this worst situation as an opportunity from it. You read it correctly, chance, and that came with the best option of Marketing with "Digitalization." Though most of the businesses were working with digital sales earlier, now, after the COVID-19 situation, every possible firm is focusing on implementing digitization in every possible way to stand in the market and live through the current scenario.

Ones and zeros are eating the World. The designing, developing, communicating, & transferring of information, are all being digitized and has converted into the language of computers. All types of entities, from small organizations to large industries to non-profits to government agencies, are upgrading themselves to digitalization with new processes, activities, and transactions.

Today almost every business is opting for work from home, which was earlier a myth and only followed in individual multinational companies. This scenario has given its way because of the particular uncontrolled challenges that COVID-19 brought with it. So many CEO's, Marketing experts had to take up specific actions like reducing the stretch of their work, cutting their living assets, etc. to survive the storm.

The best way that emerged out to get through the storm was by updating the conventional marketing strategies with the new age hybrid methods, i.e., shifting the entire business to a new level of a digital platform. With this idea, a large number of potential customers were reached with cost convenient methods. As in this devastating situation, budget plays a very vital role. So came the primary tool "online shopping" into the picture and that, too, delivering the very few essential things, which we occasionally use on the doorstep, even more speedily than the major players like eBay, Amazon, etc.

The companies which believed that face-to-face contact with the customer creates a personal connection between the client and the businessmen has lost. The sales teams forced to work within the four walls of the home with the leads without any personal touch. With this came up some limitations as for the business, customers, and the employees as they were not that fully digital-savvy. The companies had no other option other than developing digital marketing techniques and that too user friendly so that a beginner can also start using the online platform.

Now let me take up an automobile industry that has applied the various marketing strategies using the digitalization platform to make you more precise about the scenario. After the continuous extension of the lockdowns due to COVID-19, one thought that came in every common man's life was "Living," and how their life will go back to normal? But the answer was still in the dark. Automotive industry players came up with the training of their employees with online portals due to the extension of the lockdowns. Not only the employees the best alternative that came up for the potential customers were creating a virtual application where the customers made feel that they are sitting in the car that they wanted to buy. However, they were at their drawing-room of isolated homes.

The application had certain features like projecting the vehicle in a place, a virtual assistant guiding all the essential elements, giving a video demonstration. The app also has a chatbot developed that will answer questions. With this application, the broader impact created in the minds of the customers, and the importance of customer privilege is taken more into consideration. It demonstrates to us that, in the proverbial "necessity being the mother of invention," people can move with astonishing speed to build something new.

Businesses will flourish with a new set of digital platforms and come up with innovative ideas for the various entities like the consumers, investors, entrepreneurs, board of directors, etc. Houses, apartments, villas, etc. were constructed earlier, based on the general requirements of a bedroom, hall, and kitchen, which will accommodate the citizens' work area. All the companies will shift to a contactless digital atmosphere by providing amenities to work from home. As a result, reduction in office spaces, hardly any vehicles on the road, substantial depletion of pollution.

To wind-up, COVID-19 has brought the World to its knees shattering the businesses and economies worldwide. But, looking to the decisive point, these provocations give us a fantastic opportunity to flourish new companies on a completely digital and contactless platform realizing the necessities accelerating it. In turn, we will proceed to a 'less direct human interactive' society. In the past, humans are going to discover new ways to tackle this situation, but the new World will never be the same anymore. A unique world giving importance to a wholly mechanized and digital relationship will replace the emotions and togetherness of the contacts attached in the business. Preparing the market for a digital future will give the best chances for a bright future.

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