Exploring the Perks of Using Figma in Web Design

Anton Ioffe - October 25th 2023 - 5 minutes read

Web design has come a long way in the digital age, opening the door to countless tools designed to simplify processes and enhance final outcomes. Among them stands Figma; an innovative, game-changing design tool that merges prototyping and web design. We're going to dive deep in this article into the major perks Figma brings to web design, from type scaling to integration with Visual Studio Code. Moreover, we'll shed light on how it performs when up against Elementor in a battle of prototyping prowess. If you're looking to elevate your web design skills or deciding on the perfect design tool, this exploration of Figma's capabilities is a must-read.

Figma's Role: From Prototyping to Web Design

Figma’s increasing popularity in UX design stems primarily from its unique capabilities, most notably its prototyping and web design features. Prototyping in Figma offers the advantage of real-time updates, providing an immediate reflection of changes made in the prototype, making the iterative aspect of design much more efficient. One can also dynamically link between different pages (frames) in a prototype, allowing for more seamless navigation and better mimicry of actual user interfaces.

Figma takes user experience to another level with adjustable constraints. These constraints provide designers the flexibility to control and adjust how design elements resize within frames, offering a more effective way of designing responsive layouts. Consequently, any change in frame size can instantly show how the user interface adapts, significantly reducing the time required to manually adjust each element and giving a more realistic view of the end product.

Lastly, Figma capitalizes on its centralized, cloud-based nature to facilitate collaboration. Multiple stakeholders, including design teams, clients, and even end-users, can concurrently work and leave comments on a single prototype, making the feedback process coherent, immediate, and version-conflict free. This real-time, collaborative aspect makes Figma a favored tool for UX designers, as it encourages an iterative approach to design, increases efficiency, and ultimately leads to a higher quality product that meets user needs.

Type Scaling with Figma

Figma plays a crucial role within type scaling, enhancing the harmony and adaptability of typography across manifold devices. Emphasizing an in-depth comprehension of type scales transforms the way web designs are approached and reduces the need for extensive rework due to inconsistent scales. Figma’s offering is not based on hope or pure luck that a selected scale will mesh with all designs but allows for educated choices based on a deep understanding of type scales.

A key benefit in working with Figma is the liberty to experiment with type scales. Figma aids in the creation of an optimal visual experience across digital platforms, allowing for exploration of different scales until perfect harmony is achieved in design. Figma decreases the inconsistencies while amplifying agility and efficiency within type scaling.

Figma provides two main approaches in addressing the responsive type scales across various screen dimensions: the Single Type Scale Approach and a more flexible approach. With the former, a consistent ratio is maintained across all pages and breakpoints, impacting the type size uniformly. The latter approach arms you with two contrasting type ratios within a single design, enabling you to cater to a wider spectrum of screen sizes. Figma's competence in blending type scales seamlessly across different stages of your breakpoint range equips the tool with the capacity to design visually consistent and responsive typographies.

Figma's Integration with Visual Studio Code

The integration of Figma with Visual Studio Code (VS Code) reaps many benefits that make the design-to-code workflow smoother and fluid. One of the significant advantages is the enhancement of the collaborative process, due to the direct plug-and-play accessibility of Figma designs within the VS Code environment. Developers can provide their feedback or raise queries within Figma designs right from VS Code. It promotes stronger teamwork between developers and designers as they can communicate constructively without leaving their development environment.

The amalgamation of Figma and VS Code fuels a seamless and streamlined workflow. With Figma's live-updating feature, developers can see changes in the designs as they occur. It encourages synergy between designers and developers, fostering better coordination and decreasing the usual back-and-forth. Furthermore, the integration lets developers access design files from Figma directly within VS Code. As such, they can sidestep the need to shuffle between different tools or tabs, boosting efficiency and reducing the jarring effects of context switching.

The integration offers other invaluable benefits like extensibility and customization. Both Figma and VS Code are renowned for their versatility with numerous extensions that can be fine-tuned or custom built to meet the team's requirements. Functionality such as inspecting and extraction of design assets like colors, typography, spacing, and dimensions are also integrated within the VS Code environment, promoting more accurate and effortless implementation of designs. There's also the availability of design versioning and history, offering developers a comprehensive understanding of UI component evolution. With these collaborations and efficiencies in place, the integration of Figma and VS Code undoubtedly revolutionizes the design-to-code workflow and greatly enhances the development process.

Comparative Analysis: Figma Vs. Elementor

When it comes to web design prototyping, Figma and Elementor present contrasting methodologies, both with their unique benefits and drawbacks. Figma's strength is predicated on its interactive approach towards prototyping, allowing for an easier, more flexible pre-development process. It allows users refined control in testing and demonstrating design ideas, thus enabling a more orchestrated gathering of user feedback, a crucial element in any design process.

On the other hand, Elementor, recognized for its compatibility with WordPress, leans more towards execution, focusing on pragmatic usability rather than experimentative ideation. It's favored by organizations that prefer a seamless integration with existing infrastructures without necessitating a comprehensive revamp, like the one Figma might require. However, it creatively narrows down the exploratory scope that Figma affords in the prototyping phase.

Your choice between Figma and Elementor hinges primarily on your specific requirements. For those dedicated to ideative exploration and comprehensive feedback analysis prior to execution, Figma opens up a world of possibility. If, on the other hand, you prioritize a no-nonsense, efficient execution within an existing WordPress infrastructure, Elementor takes precedence. It ultimately boils down to whether you value experimental ideation or pragmatic implementation within your web design process.


In this article, we explore the perks of using Figma in web design. Figma offers unique capabilities such as real-time updates, adjustable constraints for responsive layouts, and a collaborative cloud-based platform. Additionally, Figma enhances type scaling by allowing designers to experiment with different scales and offers integration with Visual Studio Code for a smoother design-to-code workflow. We also compare Figma with Elementor, highlighting their contrasting methodologies and explaining when each tool is suitable. Ultimately, the choice between Figma and Elementor depends on the specific requirements and preferences of the web designer.

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