5 Lessons to Learn from Apple Online Marketing Strategies

Anton Ioffe - September 4th 2020 - 4 minutes read

Marketing has the answer if you've ever wondered how a small business moves from grass to grace within a short period.

You do not need a degree in marketing to excel in the field, and Steve Jobs proved it. Apple remains top spot in marketing, and this has contributed to their success. Today, they are role models for other companies that want to reach similar heights in revenue and recognition.

For Apple, it is not about revenue but a working strategy that meets customer's needs. Their attitude has earned them a loyal customer base and much more.

What's there to learn from Apple's marketing strategy? Here there are:

  1. Keep it stupid simple?

You do not sell to yourself but others. If you understand this, you'll know that your message should be passed in the simplest terms possible. Prospects do not need sophisticated marketing to convince them to purchase your commodity and this is one area Apple has leveraged on. They understand that too much information is overwhelming for customers and took a stand early enough in their careers.

The usual feature lists, special effects, and voice-overs were not included in their strategy; instead, they stressed the most important aspect of their product. You would not see any information on how and where to buy their products instead; the invention is left to do the selling. Why would they go through the stress of explaining when their exceptional finished product can speak for themselves? Apple's graphics have minimal content that communicates the message in clear terms.

You wouldn't see any jargon or technical terms because they know most of their customers are not tech gurus. Have you reviewed your marketing strategy to check for simplicity? If no, gather your marketing team and scrutinize your policies to see ways you can make amends. The common saying "less is more" applies to marketing and so many areas of business.

  1. Create experience, not a product

Any company can create a product, but how many of them have a lasting impact on consumers? What Apple is doing is to create a memorable experience in the mind of customers, and this motivates them to keep coming back. At every stage of marketing, the customer's thinking is revolutionized, such that there is no room for negative reviews.

One of the most successful marketing tricks is storytelling, and most of the organizations that do this have a good story to tell. Storytelling makes advertising more visual, and consumers can easily relate to the product. Apple's storytelling blueprint is captivating because you are compelled to rush to the nearest store to purchase a product.

What makes them stand out, even more, is that their customers now do the marketing for them. Apple fans often do a video of themselves unveiling their new products and upload them on major social media sites. Would a customer go through the pain of doing that if they've not had a memorable "Apple experience?" Do you think the unboxing strategy is a mistake? Think again.

  1. Create a unique value proposition

The competition in any market is stiff, but it is not an excuse to settle for the bottom. It is okay to compete for the price, but what is important is that your stakes are high, provided you have a quality product. A quality product would not settle for a cheap rate, and this has been Apple's forte.

Apple focuses on its unique value proposition, which is a competitive advantage for them. You would certainly pay more to purchase their product, and even if similar versions from another company comes knocking, you will not bat an eyelid. They do not worry about their competitor's price but are focused on raising the bars regardless of what the market says. For example, the HP Pavilion all-in-one costs below $1,000 but its Apple equivalent (iMac) goes for $1,800.

The price difference is more than $800, yet fans do not relent in staying committed to their brand. The emphasis here is not on pricing alone but the quality you are offering to the market. If you go through the features of Apple products, you'll find that they are unique, and it is easier to sell at a higher price. Like Rolls Royce, Apple delivers a touch of class and outstanding design for every product.

  1. Build a community of customers

Apple's fan base remains one of the friendliest the world has seen. Their market share is evidence of how successful they have been over the years. Every customer that has purchased an Apple product is urged to belong to a community of like minds where they can express their enthusiasm. They believe that if their fans love them, they start to think and act like them.

Your business does not need to become a multi-billion-dollar entity before it starts to build a community of devoted customers. Your community should be a deliberate one; it ought to have a clear-cut brand message and values. Every aspect of your content and branding should show your customers that you value them.

In some cases, your consumers may need you to communicate directly with them' at other times, they want to have a chat with you.

  1. Appeal to the emotion of customers

Apple would continue to hold sway over the gadget market because they have a hold on the customer's emotions. If you've seen any of Apple's ads, you'll notice that the emphasis is on customer satisfaction and not on the features. This act is deliberate as it seeks to create an emotional connection and a feeling of inclusion

The tone of the content is far from selfish, and every aspect of marketing speaks the same language. Most of Apple's ads go viral because they publish content that their target audience wants to see and listen to. Create a buyer persona in your head and imagine the kind of content that would have an emotional impact on your audience. Model your ads after the result and continue to monitor progress.

Apple's marketing strategy is a model for contemporary brands. As a business still trying to find its feet, you can adopt some of these strategies and tailor them to your niche. They can work in virtually all niches, and if applied creatively, success is assured.

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