
Using the Debounce Pattern in Sagas

Demonstrate how to implement the debounce pattern in a Redux-Saga to handle search input with less server load by waiting a specified time before dispatching the action to fetch search results.
import { debounce, put, call } from 'redux-saga/effects';

function* handleSearch(input) {
  // Call the API or perform any action with the search input
  const results = yield call(fetchSearchResults, input);
  yield put({type: 'SEARCH_RESULTS_LOADED', results});

function* watchSearch() {
  // Wait for 500ms of inactivity on 'SEARCH_REQUESTED' actions before calling handleSearch
  yield debounce(500, 'SEARCH_REQUESTED', handleSearch);
This code snippet introduces two generator functions using Redux-Saga to implement the debounce pattern. The `watchSearch` saga waits for a 'SEARCH_REQUESTED' action to be dispatched. It then debounces these actions, meaning it waits for 500 milliseconds of inactivity (no further 'SEARCH_REQUESTED' actions being dispatched) before calling `handleSearch` with the latest action's payload. `handleSearch` is responsible for performing the actual search operation, such as calling an API and then dispatching the 'SEARCH_RESULTS_LOADED' action with the results. This pattern prevents the app from making excessive or unnecessary calls to the backend, thus reducing server load and improving user experience by only fetching results when the user has stopped typing.