
Using React Context for Managing Global Chart States

Demonstrate the use of React's Context API to manage global states across multiple charts in an application, allowing for efficient updates and state management without prop drilling.
import React, { createContext, useContext, useState } from 'react';
Import necessary hooks and functions from React.
const ChartContext = createContext();
Create a new Context for the chart state.
export const ChartProvider = ({ children }) => {
  const [chartState, setChartState] = useState({});
  return (
    <ChartContext.Provider value={{ chartState, setChartState }}>
Define and export the ChartProvider component. This component wraps the app's component tree, providing chart state to any component in the application.
export const useChart = () => useContext(ChartContext);
Export a custom hook to easily access the chart context from any component within the provider.
// In your component
const { chartState, setChartState } = useChart();
setChartState(prevState => ({ ...prevState, newData: 'Updated data' }));
Example of how to use the custom hook within a component to update the chart state.