
Using IndexedDB for Local Data Storage

Demonstrate how to use IndexedDB for storing and retrieving data locally in an Angular application to enable full offline functionality.
// Open/create a database named 'myDatabase'
var openRequest ='myDatabase', 1);

openRequest.onupgradeneeded = function(e) {
  var db =;
  // Create an object store named 'items' if it's not already there
  if (!db.objectStoreNames.contains('items')) {
    db.createObjectStore('items', { keyPath: 'id', autoIncrement: true });
This code opens a connection to an IndexedDB database named 'myDatabase' and creates an object store named 'items' if it doesn't already exist. The object store uses 'id' as the primary key and auto-increments it for new entries.
openRequest.onsuccess = function(e) {
  var db =;
  // Start a new transaction
  var transaction = db.transaction(['items'], 'readwrite');
  var store = transaction.objectStore('items');
  // Add data to the store
  var data = { name: 'Item 1', description: 'This is an item.' };
  var request = store.add(data);
  request.onsuccess = function() {
    console.log('Data added to the store');
After successfully opening/creating the database, this code starts a new transaction on the 'items' object store in 'readwrite' mode. It then adds a new item to the store and logs a message when the data is successfully added.
openRequest.onerror = function(e) {
  console.error('Error opening database:',;
This code handles any errors that occur when opening the database, logging the error code to the console.
function getItem(db, id) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    var transaction = db.transaction(['items'], 'readonly');
    var store = transaction.objectStore('items');
    var request = store.get(id);

    request.onsuccess = function(e) {

    request.onerror = function(e) {
      reject('Error fetching data: ' +;
This function retrieves an item from the 'items' object store by the given id. It wraps the IndexedDB operations within a Promise to provide an asynchronous API.
// Usage of getItem()
openRequest.onsuccess = function(e) {
  var db =;
  getItem(db, 1).then(item => {
    console.log('Retrieved item:', item);
  }).catch(err => {
When the database is successfully opened, this code demonstrates the usage of the getItem() function to fetch an item with id 1 from the 'items' object store and log the results or catch and log any errors.