Updating State with put Effect
Demonstrate using the `put` effect to dispatch an action to the Redux store, updating the application state after performing a side effect.
import { put } from 'redux-saga/effects';
import { updateSuccess } from './actionCreators';
// Example of a saga worker performing a side effect and then updating the state
function* updateDataSaga(action) {
try {
// Perform side effect (E.g., fetching data, calculations)
const newData = action.payload; // Assuming payload contains new data
// Dispatch an action to update the state in the store
yield put(updateSuccess(newData));
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error updating data:', error);
// You might dispatch a failure action here with 'yield put'
This code snippet demonstrates how to use the `put` effect within a Redux-Saga worker to update the application state by dispatching an action. Here, `updateSuccess` is an action creator that returns an action object which is dispatched to the store using `put`. The `updateDataSaga` function is triggered by some action, performs a side effect (like fetching or processing data), and then dispatches an `updateSuccess` action with the new data to update the state.