Unit Testing with UnknownAction
Illustrate how to write unit tests for your reducers and middleware that ensure UnknownAction is handled as expected.
const unknownAction = { type: 'UNKNOWN_ACTION' };
function reducer(state = {}, action) {
switch (action.type) {
// ... other action handlers
return state;
// Unit test case
describe('Reducer', () => {
it('should return the initial state for unknown action', () => {
const initialState = {};
const action = unknownAction;
const state = reducer(initialState, action);
Defines a unit test for a reducer that checks how an unknown action (an action not defined in the reducer) is handled. It expects the reducer to return the initial state when the 'UNKNOWN_ACTION' is dispatched.
const applyMiddlewareMock = (middleware, store, action) => {
const dispatch = jest.fn();
const next = jest.fn();
const invokeMiddleware = () => middleware(store)(next)(action);
return { dispatch, next, invokeMiddleware };
// A middleware example with a checker for UNKNOWN_ACTION
const unknownActionMiddleware = store => next => action => {
if (action.type === 'UNKNOWN_ACTION') {
// Perform specific logic for unknown actions
// For this test case, we'll just call next without any side-effects
return next(action);
return next(action);
// Unit test for the unknownActionMiddleware
describe('unknownActionMiddleware', () => {
it('passes unknown actions without side effects', () => {
const { next, invokeMiddleware } = applyMiddlewareMock(unknownActionMiddleware, {}, unknownAction);
Defines a unit test for middleware that checks how an unknown action is passed through the middleware chain. It mocks the `store` and `next` functions to verify that the `next` is called with the unknown action, meaning that the middleware doesn't interfere with the action.