Type Checking with TypeScript
Illustrate how to integrate TypeScript into a Vue.js 3 project, including creating type-safe components and leveraging TypeScript's features for better code quality and maintainability.
import { defineComponent } from 'vue';
export default defineComponent({
name: 'MyComponent',
props: {
message: String
setup(props) {
// The 'message' prop is typed as a string
return { //... };
This is a simple Vue.js 3 component with TypeScript support. It uses the 'defineComponent' function from Vue.js, which enables type inference. The 'message' prop is specified as a string, and TypeScript will enforce this type.
import { ref, Ref } from 'vue';
export default defineComponent({
setup() {
const counter: Ref<number> = ref(0);
function increment() {
return { counter, increment };
In this Vue.js 3 component, TypeScript is used to define a reactive property 'counter' with a specific Ref<number> type, ensuring that 'counter' can only be a number. The 'increment' function updates the counter, and both 'counter' and 'increment' are returned from the 'setup' function to be used in the template.
import { computed, defineComponent, PropType } from 'vue';
export default defineComponent({
name: 'MyTypedComponent',
props: {
initialCount: Number,
title: {
type: String as PropType<string>,
required: true
setup(props) {
const count = ref(props.initialCount || 0);
const doubleCount = computed(() => count.value * 2);
return { count, doubleCount };
This is an example of a typed Vue.js 3 component with more complex prop typing. The 'title' prop is required and of type string. The 'initialCount' prop is optional and of type number. A computed property 'doubleCount' is also defined, which will be reactive and type-safe, doubling the 'count' value.
import { createApp } from 'vue';
import MyTypedComponent from './components/MyTypedComponent.vue';
This is a simple TypeScript code snippet that shows how to integrate a typed Vue.js 3 component, 'MyTypedComponent', into the Vue application. It uses the 'createApp' function from Vue.js to create a new app instance with 'MyTypedComponent' as the root component, and then mounts it to the DOM element with the id 'app'.