
Setting Up TanStack React Charts

Demonstrates the installation and setup process for TanStack React Charts in a new React project, including the creation of a basic line chart.
npm install @tanstack/react-charts
First, install the TanStack React Charts package using npm or yarn.
import { Chart } from '@tanstack/react-charts';
import React from 'react';
Import the Chart component from the TanStack React Charts package.
const data = [
    label: 'Series 1',
    data: [{ primary: 'A', secondary: 10 }, { primary: 'B', secondary: 20 }]
Define some mock data for the chart. This is usually dynamic data from props or state.
const MyLineChart = () => {
  const primaryAxis = React.useMemo(() => ({
    getValue: datum => datum.primary
  }), []);
  const secondaryAxes = React.useMemo(() => [{
    getValue: datum => datum.secondary
  }], []);
  return (
Create a functional component that uses Chart to render a line chart. It includes the configuration for primary and secondary axes.
export default MyLineChart;
Export the MyLineChart component so it can be used in other parts of your application.