
Refactoring combineReducers for Redux v5.0.0

Demonstrate the process of updating combineReducers usage to adhere to any new patterns or API adjustments introduced in Redux v5.0.0.
// Assuming that Redux v5.0.0 introduced a default export for a new combineReducers function
import newCombineReducers from 'redux'; // Update to new import

// Example reducers
const userReducer = (state = {}, action) => { /* ... */ };
const settingsReducer = (state = {}, action) => { /* ... */ };

// Before refactoring for Redux v5.0.0
// import { combineReducers } from 'redux';
// const rootReducer = combineReducers({ user: userReducer, settings: settingsReducer });

// After refactoring for Redux v5.0.0
// Note: Previously, using 'combineReducers' from 'redux' was done by destructuring
// In v5.0.0, it is assumed 'combineReducers' is the default export
const rootReducer = newCombineReducers({
    user: userReducer,
    settings: settingsReducer

export default rootReducer;
Refactor the combineReducers import to use the new default export pattern introduced in Redux v5.0.0 and update the rootReducer creation accordingly.