
Reducers for Educational Modules

Demonstrate how to write reducers to update the state based on course progression actions, ensuring immutability and proper state transitions.
const courseReducer = (state, action) => {
  switch (action.type) {
    // Start a new module
    case 'START_MODULE':
      return {
        currentModule: action.moduleId,
        modules: {
          [action.moduleId]: {
            started: true,
            completed: false

    // Mark the current module as completed
      return {
        modules: {
          [action.moduleId]: {
            completed: true

    // Reset the progress of the module
    case 'RESET_MODULE':
      return {
        modules: {
          [action.moduleId]: {
            started: false,
            completed: false

    // Default case to return the current state
      return state;
This code defines a reducer for managing state transitions in an educational course system. It handles actions for starting a module, completing it, and resetting a module's progress. The reducer maintains immutability by returning a new state object each time, using the spread operator to copy the existing state and update only the necessary parts.