
Pre-fetching Data for Next Route

Exemplify how to pre-fetch data for the next route by intercepting route changes and loading necessary data in advance.
function prefetchData(nextRoute) {
  // Replace with actual data fetching logic
  console.log(`Fetching data for route: ${nextRoute}`);
  // Example: return fetch('/api/data?route=' + nextRoute).then(response => response.json());
This function is responsible for fetching the data required for the next route. It receives the next route as a parameter and performs an HTTP request to retrieve the necessary data. You should replace the console.log with your actual data-fetching logic.
function handleRouteChange(nextRoute) {
  // Call the prefetchData function with the next route
The `handleRouteChange` function is called when a route change is detected. It uses the `prefetchData` function to load the data for the next route.
window.onpopstate = function(event) {
  const nextRoute =;
This code sets up an event listener for the browser's popstate event, which is triggered when the navigation history changes, such as when the user clicks the back or forward button. When this event occurs, it gets the next route and calls the `handleRouteChange` function.
document.querySelectorAll('a').forEach(anchor => {
  anchor.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
    const nextRoute = this.getAttribute('href');
This code adds a click event listener to all anchor tags in the document. When an anchor is clicked, it prevents the default navigation, retrieves the href attribute (next route) from the clicked anchor tag, and passes it to the `handleRouteChange` function to prefetch the data before the user navigates to the new route.