
Parallel Task Execution with 'all' Effect

Illustrate how to use the 'all' effect in Redux-Saga for running multiple tasks in parallel, combining several sagas to manage different aspects of application state concurrently.
import { all, call } from 'redux-saga/effects';

function* fetchUsers() {
  // Logic to fetch users

function* fetchProjects() {
  // Logic to fetch projects

export default function* rootSaga() {
  yield all([
This code example demonstrates how to use the 'all' effect in Redux-Saga for running multiple tasks in parallel. In this case, the 'rootSaga' combines two sagas, 'fetchUsers' and 'fetchProjects', which are executed concurrently. The 'call' effect is used to invoke these sagas, ensuring they run concurrently due to the 'all' effect.