
Optimizing Performance of TanStack React Charts

Describes techniques such as memoization and lazy loading for improving the performance of complex data visualizations.
const memoizedChartData = React.useMemo(() => transformDataForChart(rawData), [rawData]);
This line uses the useMemo hook to memoize the processed chart data. It ensures that the expensive transformation of rawData into a chart-compatible format is only recalculated when rawData changes, thereby avoiding unnecessary computations on each render.
const ChartComponent = React.lazy(() => import('./ChartComponent'));
This code snippet demonstrates how to apply lazy loading to the ChartComponent. By using React's lazy, the component is loaded dynamically, which means it is only fetched when it's needed, reducing initial load times and improving performance.
<Suspense fallback={<div>Loading Chart...</div>}>
  <ChartComponent />
This piece wraps the lazy-loaded ChartComponent with Suspense, providing a fallback UI ('Loading Chart...') until the component is loaded. It enhances user experience by indicating that data visualization is being prepared, without keeping users staring at a blank screen.
const MemoizedChart = React.memo(ChartComponent);
By wrapping ChartComponent with React.memo, it creates a version of the component that only re-renders if its props or state change. This is crucial for performance when the chart might otherwise re-render unnecessarily due to parent component updates.