
Optimizing Memory Usage in Generator Cloning

Provides strategies for optimizing memory usage when cloning generators, addressing the balance between performant cloning methods and memory efficiency in large applications.
function* cloneGenerator(generatorFunction) {
  const history = [];
  const clone = function* () {
    for (const value of history) {
      yield value;
    while (true) {
      const { value, done } =;
      if (done) break;
      yield value;
  return clone();
Defines a function 'cloneGenerator' that takes a generator function as an argument. This function records the yielded values from the original generator in an array 'history'. It then creates and returns a new generator ('clone') that first yields values from the history array before continuing with the original generator's sequence. This approach avoids directly cloning the generator but achieves a similar effect while maintaining control over memory use.
const originalGenerator = function* () {
  for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
    yield i;
const clonedGenerator = cloneGenerator(originalGenerator());
for (const value of clonedGenerator) {
Creates an example usage of the 'cloneGenerator' function with a simple generator 'originalGenerator', which yields numbers from 0 to 4. 'clonedGenerator' is then obtained by calling 'cloneGenerator' with 'originalGenerator' as its parameter. The cloned generator's values are logged to the console, demonstrating effective cloning and iteration over the generated sequence.