
Optimizing Memory Footprint with Object Pooling

Demonstrate how to use the object pooling technique to reuse objects that are expensive to create, which can reduce garbage collection frequency and prevent memory leaks in high-performant applications.
// Object Pool Constructor
function ObjectPool(createFn, canReuseFn) {
  this.pool = [];
  this.createFn = createFn; // Function to create a new object
  this.canReuseFn = canReuseFn; // Function to determine if an object is reusable

// Method to get an object from the pool
ObjectPool.prototype.acquire = function() {
  for (let i = 0; i < this.pool.length; i++) {
    if (this.canReuseFn(this.pool[i])) {
      return this.pool.splice(i, 1)[0];
  // If no reusable object is found, create a new one
  return this.createFn();

// Method to release the object back into the pool
ObjectPool.prototype.release = function(obj) {
Defines a generic ObjectPool constructor, and methods to acquire and release objects. It checks the pool for an available object before creating a new one, conserving memory.
// Example usage

// Function to create a new object (expensive operation)
function createExpensiveObject() {
  return new SomeExpensiveObject();

// Function to check if an object can be reused
function canReuseExpensiveObject(obj) {
  // Perform checks to determine if the object can be reused
  return obj.isAvailable;

// Create an object pool for expensive objects
var expensiveObjectPool = new ObjectPool(createExpensiveObject, canReuseExpensiveObject);

// Acquire an object from the pool
var obj = expensiveObjectPool.acquire();

// When done, release it back to the pool
Demonstrates how to use the 'ObjectPool' class for managing expensive objects. When an object is no longer needed, it's released back to the pool instead of being garbage collected.