
Optimizing Component Renders with v-once and VDOM

Describe how to use the v-once directive to statically render parts of the template once, reducing the load on the VDOM during updates.
    <!-- Static content using v-once, will only be rendered a single time -->
    <h1 v-once>Static Title</h1>
    <p v-once>This paragraph will never change after initial render.</p>

    <!-- Dynamic content which may re-render -->
      {{ dynamicContent }}

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      dynamicContent: 'This content may change.'
  methods: {
    updateDynamicContent() {
      // Method to update dynamic content
      this.dynamicContent = 'Updated dynamic content!';
In this Vue component template, the 'v-once' directive is used to ensure that the <h1> and <p> are only rendered once and not updated by subsequent component re-renders. The 'dynamicContent' data property is reactive and will trigger updates to the connected part of the DOM when modified. The 'v-once' static content reduces the load on the Virtual DOM (VDOM) since these pieces won't require diffing on updates, contributing to better performance for the static sections.
  h1 {
    font-size: 24px;
    color: #333;

  p {
    font-size: 16px;
    color: #666;

  div {
    margin-top: 10px;
Simple CSS styles for the Vue component to define the appearance of the <h1> title, <p> paragraph, and <div> container. These styles are not directly related to Vue's 'v-once' directive but are included to style the content for better presentation.