
Optimizing Component Renders with Selectors

Explain using selectors in custom hooks to derive state and optimize component rerenders by preventing unnecessary updates.
const store = createStore({
  initialState: {
    todos: [],
    filter: 'all'
  actions: {
    setFilter(state, filter) {
      state.filter = filter;
    addTodo(state, todo) {
  selectors: {
    filteredTodos(state) {
      switch (state.filter) {
        case 'completed':
          return state.todos.filter(todo => todo.completed);
        case 'active':
          return state.todos.filter(todo => !todo.completed);
          return state.todos;
This code initializes a store with state containing 'todos' and a 'filter'. It defines actions to set the filter and add a todo, and a selector 'filteredTodos' that computes todos based on the filter.
function useFilteredTodos() {
  const filteredTodos = store.useSelector(store.selectors.filteredTodos);
  return filteredTodos;
This custom hook uses the 'useSelector' hook provided by the store to access the 'filteredTodos' selector. By using this selector, the component subscribing to this hook only re-renders when the filtered todos change, not on every state change.