Optimizing Component Re-renders
Explain how to use TanStack Store selectors to selectively update components and reduce unnecessary re-renders for performance optimization.
import { useStore } from 'tanstack-store-react';
const selectBearsCount = state => state.bears.length;
export function BearsComponent() {
// Only subscribe to the number of bears in the store
const bearsCount = useStore(selectBearsCount);
return <h1>{bearsCount} Bears</h1>;
This code demonstrates how to use a selector with TanStack Store to subscribe a component only to a specific piece of the state (in this case, the count of bears). This ensures the component only re-renders when the number of bears changes, rather than on any state change, optimizing performance.
import { useStore } from 'tanstack-store-react';
const selectBearNames = state => state.bears.map(bear => bear.name);
export function BearNamesComponent() {
// Subscribe only to the names of the bears
const bearNames = useStore(selectBearNames);
return (<ul>{bearNames.map(name => <li key={name}>{name}</li>)}</ul>);
Here, a selector is used to create a list that subscribes only to the names of the bears. Since it specifically targets bear names, this component will only update when bear names change, minimizing unnecessary re-renders and improving UI performance.