Multi-Segment Path Matcher
Showcase the creation of a custom route matcher that can handle multi-segment paths with different matching criteria for each segment.
function pathMatcher(routePattern, path) {
const routeParts = routePattern.split('/').filter(Boolean);
const pathParts = path.split('/').filter(Boolean);
if (routeParts.length !== pathParts.length) return false;
for (let i = 0; i < routeParts.length; i++) {
// For variable segments, do a custom match here
if (routeParts[i].startsWith(':')) continue;
// Exact match for non-variable segments
if (routeParts[i] !== pathParts[i]) return false;
return true;
Creates a function 'pathMatcher' which takes a route pattern and a test path, compares their segments and determines if they match. Variable segments in the pattern start with ':' and are ignored for matching, allowing any value in the test path.
const routes = [
{ pattern: '/users/:userId/posts/:postId', handler: () => console.log('User post') },
{ pattern: '/users/:userId', handler: () => console.log('User profile') }
function handlePath(path) {
for (const route of routes) {
if (pathMatcher(route.pattern, path)) {
console.log('No route matched');
Defines an array of route objects with pattern and handler keys, and a function 'handlePath' to execute the handler for the first route matching the given path. If no route matches, logs 'No route matched'.
handlePath('/users/123'); // Logs 'User profile'
handlePath('/users/123/posts/456'); // Logs 'User post'
handlePath('/invalid/path'); // Logs 'No route matched'
Executes the handlePath function with different paths to demonstrate matching against defined routes.