
Modularizing Routes for Scalability and Maintainability

Explain how to organize and modularize routes in a scalable fashion using TanStack Router, highlighting the approach to defining nested routes and route guards for maintaining application security.
import { createBrowserRouter, RouterProvider, Route } from 'react-router-dom';
import { authenticateUser } from './auth';
Import necessary functions and components from TanStack Router and an authentication utility function.
const authGuard = async ({ navigation }) => {
  if (!authenticateUser()) {
    return navigation.redirect('/login');
Define an authentication guard that redirects unauthenticated users to the login page.
const dashboardRoutes = [
  { path: 'overview', element: <DashboardOverview /> },
  { path: 'reports', element: <DashboardReports /> }
Define routes for the dashboard module as an array of route objects.
const rootRouter = createBrowserRouter([
    path: '/',
    element: <App />,
    children: [
      { path: 'login', element: <Login /> },
        path: 'dashboard/*',
        element: <Dashboard />,
        loader: authGuard,
        children: dashboardRoutes
Create the root router with nested routes for the application, including an authentication guard for the dashboard module.
function App() {
  return <RouterProvider router={rootRouter} />;
Define the main application component that renders the router.