
Middleware for analytics tracking

Craft middleware to send data to an analytics service whenever certain actions are dispatched.
const analyticsMiddleware = store => next => action => {
  // Perform analytics tracking depending on the action type
  if (action.type === 'USER_LOGIN') {
    // Track user login action
    trackEvent('user_login', action.payload);

  if (action.type === 'PAGE_VIEW') {
    // Track page view action
    trackEvent('page_view', { page: action.payload });
  // Continue with the next middleware or dispatch
  return next(action);

// Dummy tracking function to send data to the analytics service
function trackEvent(eventType, data) {
  console.log(`Tracking event: ${eventType}`, data);
  // Here you would send data to your analytics service
This piece of code is an example of a middleware function for a Redux-like store. It intercepts actions dispatched to the store, checks if the action is trackable (USER_LOGIN or PAGE_VIEW), and then sends the relevant data to an analytics service via a dummy 'trackEvent' function. The trackEvent function needs to be replaced with a real function that sends data to your analytics service.
<script src="path-to-your-analytics-library.js"></script>
  // Assuming an analytics library is loaded, initialize it here
This HTML code snippet includes the analytics library (assuming there is one) and initializes it. This script tag should be included in the <head> or at the end of the <body> of your HTML document.
body {
  /* CSS styles that are relevant to analytics can be placed here, */
  /* e.g., classes for elements to track clicks or visibility */
This CSS code is a placeholder to define styles for the elements you might want to track using your analytics. For example, you can style buttons that, when clicked, should send data to your analytics service.