
Managing Asynchronous Actions with TanStack Store

Provide an example of handling asynchronous actions like API calls within TanStack Store, including state updates upon action completion.
import { createStore, action } from '@tanstack/store';
Import createStore and action from @tanstack/store to create the store and define actions.
const initialState = { data: null, loading: false, error: null };
Define the initial state of the store, including data, loading status, and error information.
const fetchData = async () => { return fetch('').then(res => res.json()); };
Define an asynchronous function fetchData to fetch data from an API.
const store = createStore({ id: 'dataStore', initialState, actions: { setData: action((state, payload) => { = payload; state.loading = false; }), setLoading: action((state, payload) => { state.loading = payload; }), setError: action((state, payload) => { state.error = payload; state.loading = false; }), fetchData: action(async (state) => { state.loading = true; try { const data = await fetchData(); store.dispatch.actions.setData(data); } catch (error) { store.dispatch.actions.setError(error); } }) } });
Create the store with an initial state, actions for updating the state, and an asynchronous fetchData action for making the API call and updating the store accordingly.
Invoke the fetchData action to load data from the API into the store.