
Lazy Loading Components for Improved Mobile Performance

Demonstrate using Vue 3's async components feature to lazily load components on demand, which can lead to improved performance on mobile devices.
import { defineAsyncComponent } from 'vue';

// Define an async component loader
const LazyComponent = defineAsyncComponent(() =>

export default {
  components: {
This code snippet shows how to import 'defineAsyncComponent' from Vue 3 and use it to define a lazy-loaded component. 'LazyComponent' is a placeholder name that represents the async component. The actual component to be lazily loaded is referenced by './path/to/YourComponent.vue'. When 'LazyComponent' is used in a template, Vue will load the component on demand, which can significantly improve mobile performance as components are only loaded when needed.
    <!-- Use lazy-loaded component conditionally -->
    <LazyComponent v-if='shouldBeLoaded' />

// Import the lazy component definition
import LazyComponent from './lazy-component-definition';

export default {
  components: {
  data() {
    return {
      // Data property that determines whether to load the component
      shouldBeLoaded: false
  mounted() {
    // Simulate some condition to load the component, e.g., scrolling into view
    window.addEventListener('scroll', () => {
      if ( /* some condition */ ) {
        this.shouldBeLoaded = true;
This snippet is part of a Vue component file. In the <template> block, the 'LazyComponent' is used with a 'v-if' directive, so it will only be rendered and loaded when the 'shouldBeLoaded' data property is true. In the <script> block, the 'LazyComponent' is imported and added to the component's local registration. The mounted lifecycle hook is used to add an event listener to the window 'scroll' event. When a certain condition (e.g., the component scrolled into view) is met, the 'shouldBeLoaded' property is set to true, triggering the lazy loading of the component.