
Internationalization with Edge functions

Provide an example of how to implement locale detection and content internationalization within Edge functions.
exports.handler = async (event) => {
  // Get the accept-language header from the client request
  const langHeader = event.request.headers.get('accept-language');

  // Set a default locale
  const defaultLocale = 'en';

  // Parse the accept-language header and extract the preferred locale
  // This regex extracts the first locale ignoring the quality values
  // For a more robust solution, consider using a library to parse the Accept-Language header
  const preferredLocale = langHeader ? langHeader.split(',')[0].split(';')[0].trim() : defaultLocale;

  // Load the localized content for the preferred locale
  let content;
  switch (preferredLocale) {
    case 'es':
      content = 'Hola, mundo!';
    case 'fr':
      content = 'Bonjour, le monde!';
    case 'en':
      content = 'Hello, world!';

  // Respond with the localized content
  return new Response(content, {
    headers: {
      'content-type': 'text/plain',
      'content-language': preferredLocale
This Edge function intercepts HTTP requests, detects the preferred locale from the 'Accept-Language' header, and serves localized text content based on the detected locale. If the 'Accept-Language' header is not present or a matching locale can't be found, it defaults to English (en). The function responds with the localized greeting text in the preferred language.