
Integrating Middleware for Debugging Custom Hooks

Provide an example of integrating middleware into TanStack Store for logging state changes, aiding in debugging custom hooks.
const debugMiddleware = (store) => (next) => (action) => {
  console.log('Action type:', action.type);
  const result = next(action);
  console.log('New state:', store.getState());
  return result;
This middleware logs the action type and the new state after the action is dispatched. It's useful for debugging to see how actions affect the state.
import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from '@tanstack/store-core';

const initialState = { count: 0 };
const counterReducer = (state = initialState, action) => {
  switch (action.type) {
    case 'increment':
      return { ...state, count: state.count + 1 };
      return state;

const store = createStore({
  reducer: counterReducer,
  middleware: [debugMiddleware]
Sets up a simple TanStack Store with the debugMiddleware integrated. The store manages a simple counter state, incrementing the count with an 'increment' action type.
const useCustomHook = () => {
  const [state, dispatch] = useStoreState(store);

  const increment = () => {
    dispatch({ type: 'increment' });

  return { state, increment };
Defines a custom hook that utilizes the `useStoreState` hook from TanStack Store. This hook exposes a state object and an increment function which dispatches an 'increment' action.