Implementing UnknownAction Type Safety
Show how to define an UnknownAction type and use it in a Redux reducer to ensure type safety.
// Define UnknownAction type
interface UnknownAction {
type: unknown;
[extraProps: string]: unknown;
This piece of code defines the UnknownAction type, which has a 'type' property of unknown type, meaning it can be any type, and an index signature to handle any additional properties.
// Define known action types
interface IncrementAction {
type: 'INCREMENT';
interface DecrementAction {
type: 'DECREMENT';
Here, we define the known action types for increment and decrement with a specific 'type' property.
// Redux reducer with UnknownAction type safety
function counterReducer(state = 0, action: UnknownAction | IncrementAction | DecrementAction) {
switch (action.type) {
// Narrow down the type to IncrementAction
return state + 1;
// Narrow down the type to DecrementAction
return state - 1;
// Ensure the default case returns the unmodified state
return state;
The reducer is enhanced with type safety by accepting both UnknownAction and known action types. The switch statement handles known actions and returns the unmodified state for unknown actions.