
Implementing Asynchronous Validation in TanStack Form

Provide an example of how to carry out asynchronous validation in TanStack Form, such as validating an email address against a database, including handling the loading state and displaying validation messages.
import { useForm, useAsyncValidation } from 'tanstack-form';
Imports useForm and useAsyncValidation hooks from TanStack Form.
const emailAsyncValidator = async (email) => {\n  // Simulate an API call to validate the email\n  const response = await fetch(`/api/validate-email?email=${email}`);\n  const data = await response.json();\n  if (!data.isValid) {\n    return 'Email is already in use';\n  }\n  return null;\n};
Defines an asynchronous validator function for the email field that queries an imaginary API endpoint to check if the email is already in use. Returns a validation message if invalid, otherwise null.
function MyForm() {\n  const {\n    Form,\n    isSubmitting,\n    values,\n    getFieldProps,\n    errors\n  } = useForm({\n    initialValues: { email: '' },\n    onSubmit: async (values) => {\n      await submitForm(values);\n    }\n  });\n\n  useAsyncValidation({\n    name: 'email',\n    validator: emailAsyncValidator,\n    debounceInterval: 500 // Optionally debounce the validation\n  });\n\n  return (<form onSubmit={Form.handleSubmit}>\n    <input type='email' {...getFieldProps('email')} placeholder='Enter your email' />\n    { && <div>{}</div>}\n    <button type='submit' disabled={isSubmitting}>Submit</button>\n    {isSubmitting && <div>Loading...</div>}\n  </form>);\n}
Creates a form component using TanStack Form with an email input. It sets up asynchronous validation for the email field using the emailAsyncValidator function. It displays loading state and validation messages.