
Implementing a Fixed Buffer in Event Channels

Illustrate the use of a fixed buffer in an event channel to control the flow of incoming messages and prevent overflow.
const { Channel } = require('async-csp');
const channel = new Channel(5); // Create a channel with a fixed buffer size of 5
This code snippet demonstrates the creation of an event channel with a fixed buffer size of 5, using the async-csp library. It ensures that the channel can hold a maximum of 5 messages at a time, preventing overflow.
async function produce(channel) {
  for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    await channel.put(i);
    console.log(`Produced ${i}`);
Defines an asynchronous function to produce messages for the channel. It attempts to put 10 messages into the channel, but due to the channel's fixed buffer size, it will only accept new messages once there's space available.
async function consume(channel) {
  while (true) {
    const value = await channel.take();
    if (value === Channel.DONE) break;
    console.log(`Consumed ${value}`);
Defines an asynchronous function to consume messages from the channel. It continuously takes messages from the channel until it encounters a 'Channel.DONE' message, indicating the channel has been closed and all messages have been processed.
Initiates the produce and consume functions. This demonstrates how production and consumption of messages can be managed with a fixed buffer in the channel, ensuring smooth flow and avoiding overflow.