
Handling global variables in ESLint

Include code for declaring global variables in an ESLint configuration file to prevent no-undef rule from triggering.
/* .eslintrc.js (or .eslintrc.json) configuration file */
module.exports = {
  // ... other ESLint settings ...
  "globals": {
    "myGlobalVariable": "readonly" // Declare a global variable called myGlobalVariable
    // "writable" could be used if the variable should be able to be overwritten
This is the content for the ESLint configuration file where 'myGlobalVariable' is declared. This variable can then be used within your JavaScript files without ESLint flagging it as undefined ('no-undef' rule). The value 'readonly' indicates that the variable should not be reassigned in your code, while 'writable' would allow reassignment.
// JavaScript file using the global variable
function useGlobalVar() {
  console.log(myGlobalVariable); // Access the global variable without ESLint error

This is a JavaScript function that logs the value of 'myGlobalVariable' to the console. Since 'myGlobalVariable' is declared in the ESLint configuration file as a global variable, ESLint will not trigger the 'no-undef' rule when this variable is used.