
Handling Common Misconfigurations in TanStack Config with TypeScript

Use TypeScript to catch and handle common configuration errors in TanStack Config, demonstrating how type safety can prevent common misconfigurations and improve code quality.
import { defineConfig } from 'tanstack-config';

// Define the configuration schema using TypeScript interfaces
interface AppConfig {
  apiUrl: string;
  port: number;
  debugMode: boolean;

// Utilizing defineConfig to enforce type checks
const config = defineConfig<AppConfig>({ 
  apiUrl: '',
  port: 3000, // This will pass TypeScript type check
  debugMode: true,

export default config;
This block of code imports the TanStack Config's defineConfig method to create a strongly typed application configuration. By defining a TypeScript interface (AppConfig) for the configuration structure, it ensures that any deviation from this schema, such as wrong data types or missing properties, will be caught at compile-time. This enhances code quality and prevents common misconfigurations.
try {
  // Simulated function to load configuration
  function loadAppConfig(): AppConfig {
    // Simulated error: wrong type for port
    return { apiUrl: '', port: 'NotANumber', debugMode: false } as unknown as AppConfig;

  const appConfig = loadAppConfig();

  // Attempting to use the config which would throw a TypeScript error due to the wrong type
  console.log(`API URL: ${appConfig.apiUrl}, Port: ${appConfig.port}, Debug Mode: ${appConfig.debugMode}`);
} catch (error) {
  console.error('Failed to load app configuration:', error);
This code snippet showcases a simulated scenario where the app configuration loaded at runtime does not match the expected TypeScript interface defined for AppConfig due to a type mismatch on the port property. Normally, TypeScript cannot catch such runtime errors directly; however, using TypeScript for configuration can make developers more aware of these potential issues during development. When invalid configuration data is introduced, it can lead to runtime exceptions, emphasizing the importance of proper validation and error handling.