
Fixing Chart Update Issues with useState

Illustrate the correct use of useState hook to update chart data dynamically, ensuring the chart re-renders properly when new data is received.
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
Importing necessary hooks from React.
import { Chart } from 'path-to-tanstack-react-charts';
Importing the Chart component from TanStack React Charts.
const DynamicChart = () => {
Defining a functional component for the dynamic chart.
  const [data, setData] = useState([]); // Initialize data state
Using useState to manage the chart data.
  useEffect(() => {
Using useEffect to fetch or listen for data updates.
    const fetchData = async () => {
Defining an async function to fetch new data.
      // Example API call to get new data
Placeholder for data fetching logic.
      const newData = await someAPI.getData();
Calling the API to get new data.
      setData(newData); // Update the state with new data
Updating the state with the fetched data.
Closing the fetchData function.
Invoking the fetchData function to fetch data on component mount.
  }, []); // Empty dependency array means this runs once on component mount
Ensuring fetchData is called only when the component mounts.
  return <Chart data={data} />; // Render the chart with the state data
Rendering the Chart component with the state data.
Closing the DynamicChart component function.
export default DynamicChart;
Exporting the DynamicChart component for use in other parts of the application.