
Filtering Rows in TanStack Table

Provide an example of adding a text input filter to filter rows in a TanStack Table based on a certain column's value.
import React, { useMemo, useState } from 'react';
import { useTable, useFilters } from 'react-table';
Import necessary React hooks and useFilters from react-table.
function DefaultColumnFilter({
  column: { filterValue, preFilteredRows, setFilter },
}) {
  const count = preFilteredRows.length;

  return (
      value={filterValue || ''}
      onChange={e => {
        setFilter( || undefined); // Set filter to undefined to remove the filter
      placeholder={`Search ${count} records...`}
Defines a default column filter component that provides an input for filtering rows based on column value.
const columns = useMemo(
  () => [
      Header: 'Name',
      accessor: 'name',
      Filter: DefaultColumnFilter, // Use the default column filter in the Name column
    // Other column definitions...
Defines columns for the table, including a 'Name' column that uses the DefaultColumnFilter for filtering.
const data = useMemo(() => [
    { name: 'Alice', age: 25 },
    { name: 'Bob', age: 27 },
    // More rows...
  ], []);
Defines dummy data for the table.
const tableInstance = useTable({ columns, data }, useFilters); // Apply the useFilters hook
Initializes the table instance with columns and data, applying the useFilters hook for filtering functionality.
return (
    {/* Table mark-up with tableInstance properties */}
Renders the table with the applied filters.