Exporting multiple functions
Provide an example of a module that exports several functions and document how to import a subset of them.
// module.js
// Define a set of functions to be exported
function functionA() {
console.log('Function A called');
function functionB() {
console.log('Function B called');
function functionC() {
console.log('Function C called');
// Export the functions
module.exports = {
This is the module file (module.js) where multiple functions (functionA, functionB, functionC) are defined and exported as part of an object.
// main.js
// Import only a subset of the functions from the module.js
const { functionA, functionC } = require('./module');
// Use the imported functions
In a separate file (main.js), a subset of the exported functions is imported from the module.js using object destructuring, and then those functions are called.