
Efficient Data Fetching for Infinite Scrolling

Explain how to implement an efficient data fetching strategy for a virtualized list with infinite scrolling, using TanStack Virtual to handle large data sets seamlessly.
import { useVirtualizer } from '@tanstack/react-virtual';
Imports the useVirtualizer hook from the TanStack Virtual library.
const fetchMoreItems = async (startIndex, limit) => {
  // Replace with your data fetching logic
  // This function should return the next set of items starting from `startIndex` with a maximum of `limit` items.
Defines an asynchronous function to fetch more items from the server or API, starting from a specific index.
const RowVirtualizer = useVirtualizer({
  count: 1000, // Total count of items (adjust based on actual data)
  getScrollElement: () => document.getElementById('scroll-container'),
  estimateSize: () => 35, // Adjust based on your row height
  overscan: 5, // Number of items to render outside of the visible area
  onRangeChange: ({ startIndex, endIndex }) => {
    // Implement logic to load more items based on startIndex and endIndex
    fetchMoreItems(startIndex, 100).then(newItems => {
      // Update your state or data source with the new items
Initializes the row virtualizer with specific configurations such as the total item count, a function to get the scrolling container, estimated size of an item, overscan amount, and a function to handle range changes for loading more items.
const items = RowVirtualizer.getVirtualItems();
items.forEach((virtualItem) => {
  const rowElement = document.createElement('div');
  // Set properties on rowElement based on virtualItem, like transforming it to align with the virtual scroll position
Retrieves the list of virtual items that should currently be rendered based on the scroll position and iterates over them to create and position row elements accordingly.