
Efficient Data Fetching and Caching with Custom Hook

Showcase a custom hook implementation for fetching chart data from an API, utilizing caching to avoid unnecessary network requests and speed up chart rendering.
import { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
Imports necessary hooks from React.
const cache = {};
Defines an object to act as a cache for storing fetched data.
const useChartData = (endpoint) => {
Declares a custom React hook named useChartData for fetching chart data.
  const [data, setData] = useState(null);
Initializes state for storing fetched data.
  useEffect(() => {
Uses the useEffect hook to trigger side effects in the component.
    if (cache[endpoint]) {
Checks if data for the given endpoint already exists in the cache.
Sets the data from cache if available, avoiding unnecessary fetch.
Returns early to skip fetching data from the API.
Closes the if block.
    const fetchData = async () => {
Defines an async function to fetch data from the provided endpoint.
      const response = await fetch(endpoint);
Fetches data asynchronously from the provided endpoint.
      const data = await response.json();
Parses the fetched data as JSON.
      cache[endpoint] = data;
Caches the fetched data to avoid future unnecessary requests.
Updates the state with the fetched data.
Closes the async fetchData function.
Calls the fetchData function.
  }, [endpoint]);
Ensures the effect runs when the endpoint changes.
  return data;
Returns the fetched or cached data from the hook.
Closes the useChartData custom hook.
export default useChartData;
Exports the useChartData hook for reuse in other components.