
Debugging Common Issues with URL Query Parameters in TanStack Config

Provide examples of common debugging scenarios when using TanStack Config for query parameters, such as identifying and fixing synchronization issues.
// Ensuring all query parameters are in sync with the component state
const [searchParams, setSearchParams] = useSearchParams();
const [filter, setFilter] = useState(searchParams.get('filter') || '');

useEffect(() => {
  // Sync URL with state
  const currentFilter = searchParams.get('filter');
  if (currentFilter !== filter) {
    setSearchParams({ filter });
}, [filter, searchParams, setSearchParams]);
This code snippet demonstrates how to keep a component's state in sync with URL query parameters using the useSearchParams hook from TanStack Router. It ensures that changes in the component's filter state are reflected in the URL and vice versa.
// Handling missing or incorrect query parameters
useEffect(() => {
  const currentFilter = searchParams.get('filter');
  if (!currentFilter) {
    console.error('Filter query parameter is missing.');
}, [searchParams]);
This segment checks for the presence of the 'filter' query parameter. If it's missing, an error is logged to the console. This is useful for identifying issues with missing query parameters.
// Debugging synchronization issues between the URL and component state
useEffect(() => {
  const unsubscribe = history.listen((location) => {
    const params = new URLSearchParams(;
    const filterFromUrl = params.get('filter');
    if (filterFromUrl !== filter) {
      setFilter(filterFromUrl || '');

  return () => {
}, [filter, history]);
This code listens for changes in the browser's history object and updates the component's state accordingly to ensure that the URL and component state remain in sync. This is crucial for debugging issues where the state and URL do not match.