Debounce with Dynamic Delay
Create an example where the debounce delay duration is dynamically adjusted based on user interaction or other runtime conditions.
var lastInteractionTimestamp = 0;
var debounceDelay = 200; // Initial debounce delay in milliseconds
function dynamicDebounce(func) {
var timer;
return function() {
var context = this;
var args = arguments;
var now =;
var timeSinceLastInteraction = now - lastInteractionTimestamp;
// Adjusting debounce delay based on time since last interaction
if(timeSinceLastInteraction < 500) { // If last interaction was less than 500ms ago
debounceDelay = 300; // Increase delay
} else if(timeSinceLastInteraction < 1000) { // If last interaction was less than 1s but more than 500ms ago
debounceDelay = 200; // Medium delay
} else {
debounceDelay = 100; // Decrease delay
timer = setTimeout(function() {
func.apply(context, args);
}, debounceDelay);
lastInteractionTimestamp = now; // Update last interaction timestamp
This code snippet provides a dynamic debounce function, which dynamically adjusts the debounce delay according to the time passed since the last user interaction. It starts with a defined initial delay but increases the delay if interactions occur in rapid succession, and decreases it if interactions are more spaced out. This allows for a more responsive interface during periods of high interaction while ensuring performance is not compromised by too many function calls during periods of continuous interaction.