
Data Processing Error Class

Build and use a DataProcessingError class, which can be thrown in scenarios where data transformation or processing fails.
class DataProcessingError extends Error {
  constructor(message) {
    super(message); = 'DataProcessingError';
Defines a custom error class specifically for data processing errors, extending the built-in Error class in JavaScript.
function processData(data) {
  try {
    // Simulate data processing that fails
    if (data.isValid === false) {
      throw new DataProcessingError('Invalid data encountered during processing.');
    // More data processing logic here...
    return true; // Placeholder for successful data processing
  } catch (error) {
    // Re-throw custom data processing errors
    if (error instanceof DataProcessingError) {
      throw error;
    } else {
      // Handle other error types (e.g., TypeError)
      console.error('An unexpected error occurred:', error);
Implements a processData function that simulates data processing. It throws a DataProcessingError if the data is invalid. It also includes error handling that distinguishes between DataProcessingErrors and other error types.
try {
  // Example invalid data object
  const data = { isValid: false };
} catch (error) {
  if (error instanceof DataProcessingError) {
    console.error('Data processing failed:', error.message);
Runs the processData function with an example invalid data object and includes a try-catch block to handle the thrown DataProcessingError, outputting an error message to the console.