Data Binding for a Heat Map
Demonstrate the process of binding geographic data to a heat map using TanStack React Charts, focusing on data formatting and the configuration of chart options to represent data density.
import { useHeatMap } from '@tanstack/react-charts';
import React from 'react';
Import necessary React and TanStack React Charts functions for creating a heat map.
const data = [
{ id: 'New York', value: 67 },
{ id: 'Los Angeles', value: 52 },
{ id: 'Chicago', value: 48 }
Define the data structure. This contains geographic IDs and corresponding values indicating the data density or magnitude.
const MyHeatMapChart = () => {
const series = React.useMemo(() => [
datums: => ({
y: d.value
], [data]);
const options = React.useMemo(() => ({
data: series
// Additional configuration for the heat map can be placed here
}), [series]);
const [chart] = useHeatMap(options);
return <div>{chart}</div>;
Create a React component for the heatmap chart. Use useMemo for data and options to optimize performance. Data is passed into options. useHeatMap hook is called with these options.