Customizing Scroll Behavior and Item Sizes in Virtual Lists
Illustrate the process of customizing scroll behavior and handling dynamic item sizes within a virtual list created with TanStack Virtual.
import { useVirtualizer } from '@tanstack/react-virtual';
function VirtualList({ items }) {
const parentRef = React.useRef();
const rowVirtualizer = useVirtualizer({
count: items.length,
getScrollElement: () => parentRef.current,
estimateSize: () => 50, // Default size for each item
overscan: 5,
return (
<div ref={parentRef} style={{ overflow: 'auto', height: '100vh' }}>
height: `${rowVirtualizer.getTotalSize()}px`,
position: 'relative',
{rowVirtualizer.getVirtualItems().map(virtualRow => (
position: 'absolute',
top: 0,
left: 0,
width: '100%',
transform: `translateY(${virtualRow.start}px)`,
height: `${virtualRow.size}px`,
This code snippet demonstrates setting up a basic virtual list with TanStack Virtual. It initializes a virtualizer for a list, where each item's default size is estimated to be 50px. The virtual list container is a vertically scrollable div that uses absolute positioning for its child elements, positioned according to their virtualized start positions.
This line of code should be called whenever there's a need to re-measure the size of the items, typically after the data changes or the item's content dynamically adjusts its size. It triggers the re-evaluation of item sizes to ensure the virtual list accurately reflects the variable sizes of its items.
const rowVirtualizer = useVirtualizer({
count: items.length,
getScrollElement: () => parentRef.current,
estimateSize: (index) => calculateDynamicSize(items[index]),
overscan: 5,
This updated initialization for `rowVirtualizer` incorporates a dynamic size calculation for each item in the list. The `estimateSize` function now takes an index and returns the size for that specific item by calling a `calculateDynamicSize` function, which should be implemented to determine each item's size based on its content.