Creating Custom Tooltip Components
Provide an example of how to create a custom tooltip component for TanStack React Charts, utilizing the useTooltip hook for displaying additional data on hover.
import { useChart } from 'tanstack-react-charts';
Import the useChart hook from TanStack React Charts to access chart context.
const CustomTooltip = () => {
const { getTooltipProps } = useChart();
const tooltipData = getTooltipProps().tooltipData;
// Conditionally render content based on mouse hover
if (!tooltipData) return null;
return (
<div style={{ padding: '10px', background: '#fff', border: '1px solid #ddd' }}>
{/* Display data; adjust as needed */}
<div>Value: {tooltipData.datum?.value}</div>
Define a CustomTooltip component. Use the useChart hook to access the tooltip's data and conditionally render the tooltip content based on whether data is being hovered over.
export default CustomTooltip;
Export the CustomTooltip for usage in your chart components.