Creating a Stream Handler with createAsyncThunk
Demonstrate how to create a streaming data handler using createAsyncThunk that listens to a data source and dispatches actions continuously.
import { createAsyncThunk } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
// Define a type for your streaming data if needed (optional)
// Example: type StreamData = { ... };
// Creating the stream handler thunk
export const streamDataHandler = createAsyncThunk(
async (_, { dispatch, signal }) => {
const listener = data => {
// Handle the incoming streaming data
// Example: dispatch(dataReceived(data));
const source = new EventSource('/streaming-endpoint');
source.onmessage = event => listener(JSON.parse(;
// Listen for the abort event to close the stream if needed
signal.addEventListener('abort', () => {
This code defines an asynchronous thunk for handling streaming data using an EventSource. It listens for new messages from a specified endpoint and dispatches actions accordingly. The signal parameter is used to listen to abort events to terminate the data stream when the thunk is cancelled.