Creating a Multi-Step Form with Navigation
Demonstrate creating a multi-step form using TanStack Form, focusing on handling state transitions between steps and using context to pass state.
import { useForm, useStep } from 'react-hook-form';
function MultiStepForm() {
const { nextStep, prevStep, step } = useStep({
steps: ['personalDetails', 'contactInfo', 'confirmation'],
initialStep: 0,
const methods = useForm();
const onSubmit = (data) => {
return (
<form onSubmit={methods.handleSubmit(onSubmit)}>
{step === 'personalDetails' && <PersonalDetailsForm />}
{step === 'contactInfo' && <ContactInfoForm />}
{step === 'confirmation' && <ConfirmationStep />}
<button type='button' onClick={prevStep}>Back</button>
<button type='button' onClick={nextStep}>Next</button>
{step === 'confirmation' && <button type='submit'>Submit</button>}
This piece of code declares a multi-step form using TanStack's useForm and useStep hooks. It includes navigation between steps and a submit handler that alerts the form data.
function PersonalDetailsForm() {
const { register } = useFormContext();
return (
<label htmlFor='firstName'>First Name</label>
<input id='firstName' {...register('firstName')} />
<label htmlFor='lastName'>Last Name</label>
<input id='lastName' {...register('lastName')} />
Defines the 'PersonalDetailsForm' component with first name and last name fields managed by useFormContext for sharing form state.
function ContactInfoForm() {
const { register } = useFormContext();
return (
<label htmlFor='email'>Email Address</label>
<input id='email' type='email' {...register('email')} />
<label htmlFor='phone'>Phone Number</label>
<input id='phone' type='tel' {...register('phone')} />
Creates a 'ContactInfoForm' component for collecting email and phone number, utilizing useFormContext from TanStack Form for state management.
function ConfirmationStep() {
return (
<h3>Confirmation Step</h3>
<p>Please review your information and click 'Submit' to finish.</p>
This last piece outlines a simple 'ConfirmationStep' component for the final review before form submission.