Creating a Custom Hook for State Management
Showcase the creation of a custom React hook that utilizes TanStack Store for managing and accessing application state within functional components.
import { useStore, createStore } from '@tanstack/react-store';
// Define the initial state structure
const initialState = {
counter: 0
// Creating a store with initial state
export const counterStore = createStore(initialState);
This snippet creates a store using TanStack Store with an initial state. The store is centered around a 'counter' state.
export function useCounterStore() {
// Accessing the store and its actions
const [state, actions] = useStore(counterStore);
// Increment action
const increment = () => actions.set(draft => { draft.counter += 1; });
// Decrement action
const decrement = () => actions.set(draft => { draft.counter -= 1; });
// Reset action
const reset = () => actions.set(draft => { draft.counter = 0; });
// Returning state and action handlers
return { ...state, increment, decrement, reset };
This snippet defines a custom hook `useCounterStore` that uses the store created previously. It includes actions to increment, decrement, and reset the counter.