
Component Tree Re-rendering

Create a parent component with a couple of child components in Vue.js 3 to illustrate selective re-rendering of components in the VDOM when state changes.
    <button @click="incrementCounter">Increment</button>
    <p>Parent Counter: {{ counter }}</p>
    <child-component :counter="counter" />
    <static-child-component />

import { ref } from 'vue';
import ChildComponent from './ChildComponent.vue'; // Assuming a child component file
import StaticChildComponent from './StaticChildComponent.vue'; // Assuming a static child component file

export default {
  components: {
  setup() {
    const counter = ref(0);

    function incrementCounter() {

    return { counter, incrementCounter };
This is the parent component that includes a button to increment the counter state and two child components. The first child component will re-render when the counter state changes, but the second child, being a static component, should not.
    <p>Child Counter: {{ counter }}</p>

export default {
  props: {
    counter: Number
This is ChildComponent that receives a counter as a prop from the parent component and re-renders whenever the counter value changes due to its reactive dependency on the passed prop.
    <p>I'm a static component. I do not change.</p>

export default {
  // This is a static child component, it does not accept any reactive props and should not re-render when parent state changes
This is StaticChildComponent, which does not receive any props from the parent and does not re-render when the parent's state changes as it has no reactive dependencies.