
Common Mistakes in Using QueryErrorResetBoundary

Outline a scenario depicting a misuse of QueryErrorResetBoundary, such as not properly resetting the boundary state, followed by a corrected version of the code.
// Mistake: Not resetting the query error boundary state, leading to persistent error state
  {({ reset }) => (
      fallbackRender={({ error, resetErrorBoundary }) => (
        // Missing onReset={reset} here causes the error state to persist
        <ErrorFallback resetErrorBoundary={resetErrorBoundary} />
This code snippet shows a common mistake where the 'onReset' prop is not provided to the ErrorBoundary component, resulting in the error state persisting even after attempting to reset. Without resetting the query error boundary state, the component won't refetch data upon remount, leaving the user stuck in an error state.
// Correction: Properly resetting the query error boundary state and retrying queries
  {({ reset }) => (
      onReset={reset} // Correctly resetting the state
      fallbackRender={({ error, resetErrorBoundary }) => (
        <ErrorFallback resetErrorBoundary={resetErrorBoundary} />
In this corrected code snippet, the 'onReset' prop is provided to the ErrorBoundary component, passing the 'reset' function from QueryErrorResetBoundary. This ensures that when the ErrorBoundary is reset, the query error boundary state is also reset, allowing the queries to re-fetch data successfully and resolving the error state for the user.