
Centralizing Application State with Vuex 4 in Vue 3

Demonstrate setting up Vuex 4 for global state management in a Vue 3 application, including state, mutations, actions, and getters.
import { createStore } from 'vuex';

// Create a new Vuex store instance
const store = createStore({
  state() {
    return {
      // Define your application's state here
      counter: 0,
  mutations: {
    // Mutations are used to change the state
    increment(state) {
  actions: {
    // Actions are used to commit mutations, can be asynchronous
    incrementAction({ commit }) {
  getters: {
    // Getters are like computed properties for the store
    doubleCounter: state => state.counter * 2,

export default store;
Creating a new Vuex 4 store with state, mutations, actions, and getters.
import { createApp } from 'vue';
import App from './App.vue';
import store from './store';

// Create a Vue 3 application and use the Vuex store
const app = createApp(App);
Creating and mounting a Vue 3 application, using the Vuex store created earlier.