
Basic SagaMonitor Setup

Shows how to integrate SagaMonitor into a Redux-Saga configuration to begin monitoring saga effects.
import createSagaMiddleware from 'redux-saga';
import { applyMiddleware, createStore } from 'redux';
import rootReducer from './reducers'; // Import your root reducer
import rootSaga from './sagas'; // Import your root saga
import SagaMonitor from '@redux-saga/simple-saga-monitor'; // Import SagaMonitor
First, we import necessary modules from redux, redux-saga, and the @redux-saga/simple-saga-monitor package. We also import our root reducer and root saga, which we will need to set up the store and the saga middleware.
// Create the saga middleware with SagaMonitor
const sagaMiddleware = createSagaMiddleware({ sagaMonitor: SagaMonitor });
Then, we create the saga middleware and pass the SagaMonitor as a configuration option to enable saga effect monitoring.
const store = createStore(
After creating our saga middleware with the SagaMonitor configured, we use redux's createStore function along with applyMiddleware to create our store. Here, rootReducer is the combined reducers of your application.;
Finally, we start our sagas using the method and pass our rootSaga. This starts the SagaMonitor as well, and you will now be able to monitor the saga effects in your application.